Before I connected, with Natasha, my life was practically being ruled by my fear. Any time I had to make a decision, I’d spend hours overthinking every possible outcome. I was letting my mind go around in circles until ultimately my fear would kick in and make the decision for me. It had been so long since I had connected with my inner wisdom that I wasn’t even sure it existed at all anymore. Fear was controlling my every move and to put it plain and simply, I was feeling completely overwhelmed.
The first time I spoke to Natasha, I was amazed at how comfortable I felt with her right off the bat. The space she had created for me was so safe and nurturing that it was almost impossible for me to end our conversations feeling anxious. As time passed and we continued speaking on a weekly basis, I started to notice how easy it was to quiet my intrusive thoughts whenever we were in a session. Before I knew it, I was facing my fears and connecting with my inner wisdom far more often than ever before.
One of Natasha’s many gifts is her innate ability to show you that there’s still a glimmer of hope shining through, even when times feel like they’re at their darkest. Sometimes I’ll go into a session with a concern that feels heavier than a ton of bricks, but she’ll somehow find a way to help me shift my perspective until I leave with it feeling lighter than whipped cream.
Natasha has taught me that I don’t need to allow my fear to take the reigns on my life anymore. She has shown me that deep down I have a sense of knowing that can guide me through making even the most difficult decisions. Because of her, I now know that I am capable of looking at my fear straight in the eye and still choosing not to give into it.
It can be difficult for teenagers and young adults to talk to family members or friends about what's troubling them and consuming their thoughts. They often feel alone and then start innocently believing there really is something fundamentally wrong with them. They can become overwhelmed and full of shame which further prevents them from talking about what is in their head. This may then present itself in behaviours that are not the norm for them. Unfortunately this can lead to more overwhelm and such a noisy mind.
I love to spend time with teenagers and young adults showing them how their mind really works and pointing them to their innate wisdom and resilience that resides inside them 24/7. There is something special when they start to see that we can have freedom even with some of the thinking that troubles us and they can truly experience their own well-being. The noise starts to get quieter and they stop looking for answers in their busy analytical minds and start to trust their wisdom and innate mental health. To find out more and have a chat with Natasha get in touch.
Natalia says... I have come to think of Natasha as my own guardian angel. And while I can’t say that I’ve ever had the chance to speak to an actual angel myself, I do imagine it would be a lot like having a conversation with Natasha.
One of the most talked about concerns when I sit with adults is how consumed they are with thoughts that are not serving them, such as anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, addictions and burnout. For a lot of adults they think the way out of their busy minds, problems and behaviours is to think more about them, try and solve them and think some more through analysing it over and over again. Unfortunately this can lead to more overwhelm and such a noisy mind that its easy to forget what resides underneath ALL of the busyness. They can start to lose hope that life can look any different.
The good news is there is hope and life can look very different. Natasha will talk to you about how there is another way . She spends time undoing most of the conditioning and programming that people are walking around with and pointing them in the direction of a more peaceful and wise place. They can then navigate their experience from this quieter place and life can look very different.
DAN says... Natasha kindly and softly guided me through one of the most difficult times of my life, a transformational period that saved me from suicide and led me to knowing I have all the wisdom I need to face any challenge.
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Natasha Millard MSc CPsychol